Mampintsha, real name Mandla Maphumulo, died on 24 December 2022 after suffering from two strokes within days. He went through his first minor stroke after a performance on Sunday, 18 December 2022. After his initial stroke, Mampintsha’ s sister Pinky Gumede said they were being sidelined by his wife Babes Wodumo and her family, and they told them that everything…
Mampintsha’s Mother Collapses After Being Cut Off From Her Son’s Funeral Arrangements
In another episode of the unending drama, Mampintsha’s mother reportedly collapsed after finding out that she had been cut off from her son’s funeral arrangements.
Mampintsha, real name Mandla Maphumulo, died on 24 December 2022 after suffering from two strokes within days. He went through his first minor stroke after a performance on Sunday, 18 December 2022.
That whole weekend from 16 December, Mampintsha and Danger of Big Nuz rocked the stage at seven venues in KwaZulu-Natal before his body finally gave up.
After his initial stroke, Mampintsha’s sister Pinky Gumede said they were being sidelined by his wife Babes Wodumo and her family, and they told them that everything was fine and should not worry, despite their fears that something would happen to Mampintsha.
Mampintsha then died a few days later, and the Maphumulo family still got shut out of the whole arrangement.
iHarare reported that Mampintsha’s parents were denied access to their son’s body.
•Drama As Mampintsha’s Mother And Father Are Denied Access To His Body
Mampintsha’s sister Pinky allegedly revealed:
“We don’t know what we have done wrong because we did not have disagreements with anyone. They are even denying Mampintsha’s father access. My mother wants to see her son, and this has taken a toll on her health.”
After being denied access to her son’s body, Mampintsha’s mother, Zamanguni Gumede, was excluded from her son’s funeral arrangements. This pushed her to the edge, and she collapsed, leading to her hospitalisation.
Publication Ezivuthayo Emaputaland reported:
“Mampintsha’s mother reportedly collapsed when she saw the completion of the funeral plans without being informed. Mampintsha’s mother, Zama, suddenly fell down and was rushed to KwaMashu CHC by Ambulance.
It is said that her heart was hurting after she saw on TV the funeral plans for her son were concluded, and she suddenly collapsed. She asked why she was not involved.”
As Mzansi is mourning the sad untimely death of Mampintsha, it has emerged that his mother and father have allegedly been denied access to their son’s body.
[Mampintsha’s sister Pinky has also reportedly said that they [Maphumulo family] have found out that they will not be included in the funeral arrangements,” the publication revealed.
Mampintsha’s memorial service is set to be held on Thursday, 29 December at Ethekwini Community Church (ECC) in Durban.
In related news, the widow of Mampintsha, Babes Wodumo is alleged to have only found out that her husband, Mampintsha, had died after the news broke out on social media.
•Babes Wodumo Found Out Her Husband Mampintsha Had Died On Social Media: New Details Emerge
According to Newsroom Afrika, one of the nurses in one of the wards where