Why a clergyman’s criminal being allowed to do as he pleases (Bushiri)

How does the law of this country (south Africa) work ? First Prophet Shephard Bushiri Bushiri was arrested along with his wife Mary Bushiri for fraud and money laundering charges against the Bushiri’s family.Bushiri’s fled from the country illegally and we find that their entry was also illegal right now Bushiri is husy preparing year end separation services and he invited the south Africans who takes their money.

First of all how is this person allowed to live his life like an innocent person, this man have charges of sexually assaulting for a woman but is living his life like nothing wrong has done in south Africa.

It is annoying to see a man who claims to be a man of God when he knows that he is a wolf is just wearing a sheepskin coat . This prophet despises the south Africans government.

We know that people have the right to worship anywhere because of the individual and his religion but the south Africans government shouldn’t allowed the south Africans to travel to Malawi to support this crook .

Because Bushiri didn’t show respect to the south Africans government by escaping the country to go his home country Malawi. The south African government is their duty to protect the south African citizens in any harm.