Who is older between Vho -Masindi and Vho -Mukondeleli from Muvhango ?

We all at times wonder about the age difference between our favourite actors and actresses but we have no idea because of being lazy to search or because we just don’t have data.

These two have been acting on Muvhango for long now that you would swear they are the same age because of their characters . People love them for being real and being proud of thier home language . They use their home language while acting like other actors .

Vho- Mukondeleli is 70 years old and her real name is Elsie Murabeli Rasalanavho , originally from Venda Limpopo. She is ageging like life wine.

Vho_Masind is 67 years old and her real name is Regina Nesengani ,she’s also originally from Venda Limpopo.

So the age difference between the two is only 3 years . It’s not that bad , no wonder why they get along so well .