What would you pair this stew with rice or Pap

What would you pair this meal with Pap, rice, samp or Spaghetti:

Beef stew it can be pair with almost all the that you can think of including Mash-potatoes, when you don’t want pap or rice you can do Mash. We have a lot of good ideas which you can serve the stew with but it will be your choice that has to be final.


You can go natural or regular and serve the stew with Pap it can go well with pap since it has very mouth watering Gravy mixed with vegetables, with pap and you are wondering how can you cook the stew.

Recipe for the stew:

You will need 3 potatoes, robot peppers, mixedvegetables, and spices that you prefer to cook this meal most importantly never forget onions. It playes a huge role on the stew.

Boil the meat for at least 45 minutes and take out the meat and on a clean pot fry the onions that you have Chopped, until they are ready and after doing that add the robot peppers and your spices on the onions and robot peppers. To give it color and flavor then add the meet to the pot and a cup of water and the potatoes, after that add soup brown onions flavor and add a teaspoon of salt.

Allow the meat to cook for about 40 minutes on low heat and the meat will come up perfectly after, then you can decide what you wanna have the stew with Pap or rice.

You will have this kind of meat at the end.