What is the problem with Deneo?. Dineo Ranaka beat me up

The out spoken TV and Radio personality Dineo Ranaka has once again been the center of attraction after a woman accused her of physically attacking her.

The woman who is only identified as Tengetile Khumalo has made the some serious claims via her social media. She said that they paid Dineo Ranaka R10k to play at their event. Then Tengetile goes on to say that she then asked Dineo for a picture but she refused. She added that Dineo later followed her to the bathroom and scratched her arm.

Knowing Dineo, she could not be silent about the issue, In a post directed at Maphepha Ndaba, Dineo accused the tabloid of peddling falsehoods about her. She posted a screenshot of her response to the story.

She said, “Dear @maphephandaba, in case you don’t post my reply. let it be known that ANYTHING you write about me moving forward, this is my permanent reply. I’m tired, wise, and too grown for these attacks. Kind regards. it’s so easy to make Dineo Ranaka out to be the monster. If it makes your business grow, you have my blessing, go ahead.”

Dineo has also said that since her business is growing, she will be hiring a security details for safety.