What Happened To Reneilwe From Rhythm City? Check lovely pictures

Amo Chidi was born on February 1990 whose birth name is Amogelang Zoe Chidi is a South African singer, dancer, and actress. She made her debut appearance in 2012.

She is well known for acting role of Reneilwe in the e.tv soapie opera Rhythm City. Amo Chidi is considered to be one of the most beautiful actresses in South Africa.

She majored in musical threate, music and dance at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) in Pretoria. During her primary school education, she partook in the major school musical stage productions all though to her secondary school education.

Amo is also a SADTA championship Hip-hop dancer having four years of ballet experience, two years of jazz and modern dancing experience. At the age of 10, Amo made her first TV appearance as a top 10 finalist singing competition light house on SABC2.

In 2008, she also made it to the list of top 40 finalist on the M-Net reality competition school musical.

Let take a look on her beautiful pictures: