There are people who think DJ Zinhle should not publicly mourn for the death of her first born’s father.
Some people are failing to understand that, although DJ Zinhle has a husband, she also has a child from her previous relationship, and she had a good relationship with the father of her other child. The two of them had both moved on, but there is a child who still connected the two.
DJ Zinhle has always been criticized for posting pictures of the father of her child, and sharing them of social media. She is now left with the daughter who has just lost her father, and she is the one who has to provide answers to her daughter when she asks questions about her father.
She is the only one who can at this point understand the pain that her daughter will have to deal with, and the public will not be there to help her deal with it.
Just a few hours before the Forbes announced the memorial service, and funeral details, DJ Zinhle had posted a picture of her and her husband.
To some it might appear as if he is not being treated well, but this man seems to be the most supportive and loving husband to his wife.