Was the fight between Somizi and Thembi Seete real or staged? Viewers had this to say;

On Sunday evening on South African Idols, Judges Somiźi and Thembi Seete had a screaming match and viewers are convinced it was staged. They said the fight did not look real. Some said they staged it to catch people’s attention.




“This is staged. It does not look real at all. Who are they trying to fool? Are they now fighting about who is the woman of the house? They can’t act to save their lives.” Said @Mphoza_Mphoza.

“This is not staged. Somizi is not that good of an actor.” said @Sbuja

“No it’s not, it’s staged, it’s giving nicki minaj vs mariah carey on 2013 American idols.” Said @Bodash9.

“This is staged.What I’ve noticed with this season of idols is that they always trying to catch the viewer’s attention in all aspects, if this was really a conflict it wasn’t going to be broadcasted. There were going to cut it immediately without us seeing it.” Said Que_Soul_SA.