Viewers Want Glady’s To Stop Looking For Projects

st a few weeks ago Gomora viewers witnessed Glady’s obsession with Teddy but it seems that now she has moved on to a new project London.

Troublesome London made his debut earlier this month and since he arrived on Gomora he has bought nothing but trouble with him. His altercation with Principal Dlamini saw the strict principal losing his cool, resulting in his suspension and Gomora high being taken over by power hunger Ngoveni.

Melusi following all the drama he found himself in decide to take time out to recuperate back home and it seems that during her husband’s time away Glady’s found herself a new person to help.

By profession, Gladys’s is a social worker but it seems she takes her job a bit too seriously and often loses sight of what is really important. After London’s pushed his mother Thandi, Glady’s decided to step in and help but ended up creating problems between herself and her son, Ntokozo.

After a stern talk with Zodwa, Glady’s seems to have seen the light about London and has left London’s case alone but one can’t help but wonder is the drama over.

Viewers want Glady’s to stop thinking that she can help everyone and are starting to think that her love of helping others is to conceal some inner issues.