Very Funny | South Africans Are Mocking Julius Malema For Not Having Ankole Bulls

Ja neh South Africa is undefeated when it comes to humor and jokes, even when there are serious issues to discuss, South Africans will always find a way to make jokes, and unfortunately this time around Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Commander in Chief Julius Malema was the victim of the jokes on social media site Twitter, because people are mocking him for allegedly being jealous of President Cyril Ramaphosa for having ankole bulls.

This comes after President Cyril Ramaphosa hosted an ankole bulls auction on one of his farm yesterday (Saturday 18 June), and a lot of South Africans mocked Julius Malema by saying that he is jealous of President Cyril Ramaphosa because he has ankole bulls while Malema only has sheeps, just look at what some people are saying on Twitter..