Venda kingship Contender Princess Masindi Boost Her Chances Of Ascending The Throne With A Degree

The Vhavenda kingship battle between Toni Mphephu and his main competitor Princess Masindi Mphephu nearly cost the princess her academic career. Before the contention, her fees and accommodation were paid up by the royal family. She completed her IT diploma in Pretoria and as fate would have it, it was also the beginning of the Vhavenda kingship battle which she was contesting. All the payments and support came to an abrupt end.





As relations soured in the family it also signaled the beginning of the end of her academic career. She was kicked out of her flat in Sunnyside and she could not even get her final IT diploma results. Close relatives had to stand up for her and fundraise for her to get her results. All along, the princess had a dream that she would one day have a degree. Masindi recently achieved that dream when she graduated with a BA in History and Linguistics at the University of South Africa.

About her achievement, the princess said that she felt the IT diploma she had was not enough. As education unlocks closed doors and is the only weapon with which we can fight poverty and also development in our communities. Masindi said that it is not that easy but as she was determined to make it and realize her dreams she had to work extra hard against the odds and finally this is it.

Asked why she chose history and linguistics she said as a traditional leader she has to have a vast knowledge about the history and language of people, more especially the Vhavenda people.

The future Queen highlighted that it was not the end of my academic journey. She still has high aims and dreams. A month ago, the Constitutional Court stripped the acting Vavenda king of all powers and thus effectively left the Vhavenda nation with no king. The court referred the matter back to the royal family that has to sit and decide the heir to the throne.

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