Vee Mampeezy Tries To Save A Boy’s Life Fans are saluting him for his brave act!

Vee Mampeezy has shared that he recently tried to rescue a young boy who drowned in a trench.

Read More: Vee Mampeezy Charged For Breaking Lockdown Regulations

In a screenshot of a Facebook post shared by a fan, Vee could be seen trying to get into the water in an attempt to save the boy’s life. The Facebook user said police were called to the scene but, they took longer.

Vee Mampeezy who was in the vicinity showed his bravery and got into the water to search for the boy. According to the fan, Vee tried all he could but after long hours the boy was found and declared deadFacebook users took to the comments section to salute Vee Mampeezy’s brave act. A fan wrote “It is very touching to see influential persons stepping in to help and I applaud you for leaving ur status behind, only a few can do that. Thanks so much. Botswana Police Service at it again very quick to attend to unnecessary issues but the important ones they wait, no wonder in Botswana Rape is treated as severe more than murder…May our boy rest in peace Shame on you BPS the most ineffective force ever,” wrote Pamela Salani

Although some commended Vee, some fans said Vee was not the only one who helped to rescue the boy.

“Wats the moral of the story here I mean besides Vee there were also a pool of ppl there getting inside the dirty water searching for the boy.Shap shap why go nankolwa Vee ale nosi in this incident. I thought you will give credit to ALL the ppl who helped in the search but aniwai RIP to the lil bo,” wrote Bk Malepa II.
Vee was recently taken for questioning after hosted a gathering with more than 50 people.

According to Mmegi Online, the multi-award-winning musician has been charged with two counts by the police. The first count is of hosting an illegal meeting and the second one is for breaking the lockdown regulations.

Vee had hosted a meeting on Tuesday without a permit and police ended that meeting. The musician then proceeded to the police station to ask for a permit which was approved and he hosted a gathering with more than 50 people.

The musician was charged P10 000 and he said artists have raised money to pay for his charges.

“Botswana Artists have come together to contribute to the charges that I got yesterday. Thank u so much for the money please know that I appreciate. The money will not be given to me it will be paid directly to the police!!! UNITY IS AMAZING!!! VIVA BADIRAGATSI,’ he wrote on Twitter.