Uzalo: Patrick Shai bows out in style after schooling Njeza

Uzalo: Patrick Shai bows out in style after schooling Njeza

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Nothing is as creepy as seeing someone who passed away on videos or even worse, TV. It makes the death a little difficult to digest because they look… so alive! It is the same with Patrick Shai. His role was pre-recorded so he is still airing on Uzalo.






What makes the role so iconic is that it sort of speaks to his life’s work. What he fought so hard to impart to his fellow men. Even though his last days leading up to his suicide were filled with controversy on social media, we cannot deny the sheer dedication he showed against GBV.

Njeza signed up for sessions with Patrick and in the sessions, he tries very hard to distance his actions from that of his father. He tries very hard to separate the abuse he subjected Nosipho to, from the abuse his father subjected his mother to.

I think it’s a beautiful storyline. It makes no sense to always show a storyline that tells women to leave abusive men but doesn’t attempt to heal the men. When one woman leaves an abusive man, she saves herself but the abuser continues abusing his following partners until we all have stories about men who assault us.

By advocating for healing the perpetrator, we have a higher chance of successfully fighting GBV because we are dealing directly with the cause of the disease and not the symptoms.

To Njeza, Patrick argues, “you cannot control your partner but you can control how you react,” which is important in Njeza’s case. His abuse stemmed from the need to control every aspect of Nosipho’s life. By making him aware of this, Njeza can confront his demons truthfully!

This was a very beautiful way to remember Patrick Shai! I’m glad this is airing after he has passed on, it gives us something tangible to hold on to from him.

May he rest in peace!