Uzalo become more interesting as more drama emerges

Make sure that you dont let any single day to slip by without watching Uzalo as more drama is expected especially next week. Have you given up on watching one of the best soap in South Africa?, well now it not a good time for that .

Abazalwane they will be dressed for Sunday as usual to attend their best pastor ,pastor Gwala who has proven to be loyal beyond any reasonable doubt. We see Nkunzi appearing at church for an unknown reason. What could be a reason for his appearance?.well that why we say you have to be alert when it time for Uzalo. On the other side Sibonelo is very much proud for his craft gin.








Mbatha is back to his usual tricks is he going to succeed this time around?. What triggered to continue while he failed the last time?. This be his best day and win this time around. Guess what Madongwe come face to face with what is labelled as unexpected horror,is she going to be scared by it ,is she going to stand by it well that for you to find out.

There is more reason you should watch Uzalo over other things on your screen.

Finally Nosipho see the light and choose it over darkness. Zekhethelo puts her heart on the line for what is she going to survive. What more surprising is that what Sibonelo has chosen it going to follow him the rest of his life there will no turning back now.

Still more for you get more of what you deserve as Opera News Hub follower.

Sibonelo produces his product in bulk and Sambulo get more closer and closer as he ask Zekhethelo unexpected question. Njeza still struggle to get a good Job again ,how is going to survive as his family rely on him.

Sbu is caught in the middle as he must decide immediate as to where his loyalty lies. It seem as if that is always a case on Sbu. Zekhethelo find love again ,how long is the relationship going to last as more trouble shall come. It good for you to find the answer. Nonka will learn the harsh truth about the men in the Xaba bloodline. Gwala shock the church again. Njeza hustle pays off. Njeza become hursh on Madongwe ,the pastor finally shows the value of Zekhethelo at church . Fake alcohol business is booming.