Uzalo actress Lilly proudly sells h0t dogs at taxi ranks

When it comes to side hustles, many celebrities choose to turn a blind eye on extra income making opportunities.

Some celebrities are even shy of going out there and hustling like everyone else.










But not for Noxolo Mathula who plays the role of police officer Lilly on popular SABC 1 soapie Uzalo.

Mathula sells hot dogs at taxi ranks across Durban and she does not allow her celebrity status to get in the way.

Infact, she uses that status to her advantage as consumers are quick to buy from her. She added that she started the business during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown when there was no food at home.

Her hustle definitely is giving her some extra income.

“I am never ever ashamed. My mother taught me that you do not ever feel embarrassed by doing honest work. If it gives you money and brings you happiness, then there’s nothing to be ashamed of. It is my side hustle, I own it, and no one can tell me anything,” she said.

The actress added that she was inspired by her mother who taught her that nothing was ever embarrassing.