Uthando Nesthembu: Musa Mseleku angers fans

TROUBLE does not seem to end in the Mseleku household as week in and week out, there are always news in that house which are definitely not right.

In the past episodes of this polygamous show, we have seen how the wives have been on the wrong side of the viewers. It use to be MaCele who annoyed fans and lately it was MaNgwabe.

The latest episode took a different turn when viewers were actually disappointed and angry at Musa Mseleku himself.




On the episode, they saw that Musa is interested in taking the fifth wife. While that is not the problem much as Musa has been saying that he is going to take the fifth wife but the main issue here is this person that Musa will be taking to be his fifth wife.

Viewers were so livid with anger when they learnt that actually Musa may be taking MaKhumalo’s sister to be the fifth wife.

The sensitive topic of Mseleku’s third wife, MaKhumalo, not being able to bare his children has once again come up on the episode of Uthando Nesthembu on Thursday and viewers were left annoyed at Mseleku’s insensitivity to the whole issue.

During a conversation with MaCele, Mseleku disclosed that he has a new girlfriend who he is currently in a relationship with, and that he is looking to take her as the fifth wife.

“The first person who has to find out if I am seeing someone is MaCele,” said Mseleku.

He also revealed that his new girlfriend bares the surname Khumalo, and this made MaCele and viewers believe that Mseleku may be in a relationship with one of MaKhumalo’s relatives.

Although it is understandable that Mseleku wants to take a new wife so that he can expand his family and have more children, however viewers felt that it is wrong and inconsiderate for him to be in a relationship with MaKhumalo’s relative, especially if the relative would be baring children for him.

MaCele ended off the conversation by telling Mseleku that she would definitely be telling other wives that he has a girlfriend and that the girlfriend may be MaKhumalo’s sister.

Again, on this episode, it was revealed that Mseleku and MaYeni’s 17- year- old son, Mpumelelo, has a baby daughter with his ex- girlfriend, and that he is currently in a relationship with a different girl.

Viewers were shocked at this revelation, and most said Mpumelelo seems to be following in his father’s footsteps.