Unathi Revealed information on her Depression Moment

Unathi Revealed information on her Depression Moment
“I wouldn’t have made it last 3 months”Unathi opens up about her depression”

If there’s someone who has experience depression to her lowest point is Unathi. Many people react differently on any situation they find themselves at . Unathi’s strength comes from the love she have when comes to exercising and being on the gym 24/7.

Yesterday she took to her Instagram page to talk about her lowest moments she had three months ago. According to her , she sounds t have made in life if it was not for the love of people she serves each day . She expressed her gratitude to her fans saying that they are the reasons she wakeup in the morning and be ready to face up the Reality of this world out there .

You will all remember that Unathi was fired from Idols SA . Before that, she was dismissed from her radio show drive job after the incident she had with Sizwe Dlomo. Unath felt that each door closing for her was a way of her rising up again and doing more than what she has done for her people as well as her family . She announced that she will be starting with her new radio gig again from this month and she look for ward to taking up on a new journey with a smiling face.

One more important information she gave out was that Therapy did help her a lot, there were times where she felt the world was closing up to her but she got reminded of how amazing mother she was through THERAPY and she now recommends everyone who is going through the most to take a step forward and stand for themselves to help get back their lives .


U think many celebrities confirmed that therapy or counseling really does help. There are so many celebrities who nearly took their lives but got fortunate enough ght they had families who was there for them. Talk about your problems whoever you feel like doors are losing honor you. Do nor bottle thing up as this will oh lead into death or worse depression.