Unathi Nkayi apologizes for how she treated her own kids about 5 or 6 years ago

Unathi Nkayi talks about the relationship she has with her kids. Taking to Instagram, she shared photos of her children and captioned them with an event that happened at home. The radio presenter said she was reminded by them of how she was harsh at them years ago, but she’s all sweet and a kind mother now.The kids loved her new personality as her mother and she was touched by the reminder. Unathi said she apologized and explained to them why she was not kind enough as a mother back then.





“My daughter and son over the weekend were reminding me of how different I was 5 to 6 years ago. My daughter started by laughing and saying ‘Snako do you remember how Moms used to shout at us for everything about 5 to 6 years ago?’ They both laughed and told me how much they prefer the patient, kind and most importantly fun mom I am now,” she said.

“I explained to them the concept of ‘Hurt people hurt people’ and that transitioning through the divorce was hard for me. I apologized to them for all the unfair treatment I clearly put them through and thanked them for holding me accountable for how I was back then and how I made them feel.”