Ukhozi FM Producer Has Opened A Case Against Famous Maskandi Artist

There’s a case that has been opened against Maskandi artists Sgwebosentambo who is suspected of ruining Ukhozi FM show producer Ayanda Melansi’s reputation.

Sgwebo was accused for recording a video clip where he was swearing at Ayanda and he posted this video on his social media account. This artist was angry at the fact that Ayanda Melansi has named her dogs after maskandi artists, and one of the dogs is named after Sgwebosentambo.

Speaking on behalf of police in KwaZulu Natal Colonel Thembeka Mbhele has confirmed that a case has been opened.

‘A case was opened at Durban Central, the person who opened this case reported that she saw a video that had swearing words directed towards her on social media. The investigation goes on.’ Stated Colonel Mbele

Sgwebo revealed that he knows that a case has been opened against him and the police has contacted him regarding filling the statement.

‘I will work together with the police and give them my honest statement. I don’t remember saying any swearing words towards Ayanda but then she’s the one who’ll explain which swearing words that were directed to her did i mention in the video clip. I will also open a case against her because naming a dog with my name is also considered as swearing.’ Stated Sgwebo