Two radio presenters allegedly fired from the show

It is end of the road for two popular radio presenters as they’re set to present their last show at the end of June.

The word is, Johannesburg’s based radio station, Kaya FM has allegedly fired the legendary presenter, Thomas Msengana and comedian Skhumba Hlophe.

The two are currently hosting a weekdays breakfast show.

According to a report by Sunday World, the two have been removed from the breakfast slot by the station ss part of their brand repositioning strategy to grow listernship and advertising revenue.



It appears, according to the latest figures that the show’s listernership has dropped and not even generating revenue as the show has struggled to attract advertising.

Kaya FM is a commercial radio station, based on making money for the station.

Negotiations over whether their contract should be renewed or not are underway and soon it will be announced about their future on the station.

It is reported that Sunday World has been talking to the host of a show at a rival station to take ober the prime time slot.

A source inside the station who revealed the news said that the show is popular to the listeners that the station don’t target. The show is not appealing to an Afropolitan listener who is being targeted by the advertisers

The source went on to say that Msengana, who was a daytime host before teaming up with Hlophe for the breakfast show,was just a collateral damage. It is said that Skhumba was supposed to be the only one gone as he is not a radio material, he’s just a comedian.

The source went on to say if the management have them new contracts, the two might be moved to a graveyard or weekend slot.

Kaya FM publicity officer, Helga Klizanie couldn’t deny nor confirm the removal of Hlophe and Msengana from the show but dtated that the station will make an announcement when the time was right.