Twitter slams Anele and say Lasizwe looks much better than her as she claims he stole her hairstyle

Radio presenter, Anele Mdoda accused Lasizwe of stealing her hairstyle. Anele came after Lasizwe when he shared a photo of himself with a bob cut and demanded to know who stole the hairdo from whom.

“Babe, between you and me, who stole whose hairstyle?” Users on Twitter slammed Anele, claiming that Lasizwe looks better with the hairdo.



I think Anele must just focus on getting the front tooth or maybe it is coming, remember even kids when they grow baby tooth they become troublesome, what more of an old person, it comes with more pains. She just want attention that’s all and It looks better on Lasizwe. She doesn’t have peace these days. Maybe lack of attention, how is her love line doing. I dont blame Anele at all,it’s like things just slip through her gap without her noticing.

Lasizwe doesn’t own any hairstyle, Anele is allowed to do whatever hairstyle she wants. I believe Lasizwe should be proud to inspire thee Anele Mdoda. She didn’t invent this hairstyle she must chill and go back to dreaming about Kelly Rowland. But the is no such thing as stealing a hairstyle, we all see a hairstyle from someone and try it out ourselves. Celebrities really love unnecessary drama.

If that was possible then every generation would pay a ransom to Dr Rebecca Malope for this Rebecca hair style. Anele Mdoda must be promoting something because she is always trending for the wrong reasons. Her PR team is giving her bad techniques to stay relevant.

She should have protected her hair style mybe using her logo or whatever if it belongs to her. Its not your hair to begin with Anele Mdoda. It belongs to a horse or some women who needed money to so tht indian/brazilian lady desided to shave hair for you to wear. So the person or something quilified to say is the horse or indian/brazilian lady.