Twitter Dragged Sithelo Of Taking Advantage Of Andile Mpisane When He Was 17-year-old

Hints are getting out of hands between Sithelo Shozi and the family of Mamkhize and the Mpisane. Sithelo and Andile Mpisane find themselves trending again after fitness bunny Sbahle Mpisane stood up to defend brother Andile Mpisane.





Apparently Sbahle Mpisane have defended her brother in the allegations of abuse towards Sithelo during the time when they were still together. Sbahle knew about their relationship from the onset, and she allowed it to happen. Basically she allowed her friend to prey on her little brother. Sbahle is caught in between where she has to choose whether to take the side if her brother or her friend. Sithelo and Sbahle were friends.

For weeks now Sithelo has been drags Andile related to allegations of abuse. Sithelo and Andile share two kids together. Things started to change when Andile choose to marry Tamia whom e have never known instead of his baby mama Sithelo. Sithelo has also dragged her second baby saying that the family have requested DNA and that she does not have a father.

It appears that fans on Twitter are dragging Sithelo, after realises that she slept with Andile Mpisane when he was just 17-year-old. Tweeps are accusing Sithelo of Raping Andile when she is 7 years older that him. Apparently Sithelo was born in 1994 and she is 28-year-old while Andile was born in 20001 and he still at 21 years old.

There was original tweeter which clearly state that Andile was 17 years old when he sleep with Sithelo. Twitter are saying that Sithelo is an adult and she does not need to be told that there was rape involved. Sithelo should have know from the get go that Andile was minor and she was adult but she still ignored the red flag. Sithelo is a groomer who has been abused and Andile is an abuser who has been groomed, both of them have violated each other.

Sithelo did the right thing by going public with the abuse thing. But the child’s paternity issue was just nasty business, she should have never talked about that online. She’s responsible for all these drags her child is being put through. She should have never said a word about the issue with the paternity.

What is your thoughts about Sithelo and Andile.