Tweeps Weigh In On Banana Republic Following Bushiri’s Escape South ah is a never ending movie!

South Africa has proven that reality is stranger than fiction with the unfolding events surrounding Pastor Bushiri and his wife’s escape, the return of the Banana Republic status of South Ah, and the Bheki Cele catching strays.

This weekend South Africans were left dumbfounded when news of Pastor Bushiri and his wife were reported to have fled the rule of law by flying back to Malawi. The pastor and his wife were facing criminal charges after it was alleged that the two were involved in money laundering and fraud. For weeks, Pastor Bushiri’s congregation held vigils and stood outside the court as their “Papa” was allegedly being targeted by the state.

While his congregation was willing to stand with Papa, it seems that he was not. There has been suggestions that the move is as South African absent fathers as it gets. Following receiving bail of R200 000.00, it seems that Bushiri recognized that he would not make out a free man, and like South African absent fathers left his congregation without a father. And Bushiri’s departure has also left the South African legal system with another court case that will never be resolved.

However, it was not only tweeps that commented on the topical matter. But our faves have joined in on the social debate if South Africa is literally the corrupt girl that we have all come to know it to be.  Catching strays, was the South African government with tweeps calling the country the Banana Republic. The term is meant to reference how the country is a free-for-all- that have money. Time and time again the country has proven how for the right price, anything is possible in the land of the melting pot.