Tribute to Mphowabadimo, she is getting her Flowers while still Alive.

s ago

It is not so long ago since Mphowabadimo has made a historical win on the Big Brother Season 3. South Africans seems to have not come over her win as they keep on coming with creative ways of keeping her on the social media trends. Mpho has already been around a few media interviews and attended prominent events as a guest.

Today Mphowabadimo was topping the social media trends charts on Twitter with two tags. The first hashtag #BecauseOfMpho was used by her supporters to share all the things that they have learned since they were introduced to Mphowabadimo. And the other hashtag was used to share quotes apparently by Mphowabadimo with the #MphoOnceSaid.

Somehow people are claiming that, because of Mpho they have learnt that, no matter how much the devil pulls you down, when the Lord says yes it’s your time to win, even the devil will bow down. It must have really been a great experience for Mphowabadimo fans switching on the television just to see her.



Through Mpho people claim that they have learnt “We don’t forgive people because we are weak. We forgive people because we are strong enough to know that we all make mistakes and that it’s not our place to judge them.

In the over two months someone claimed that because of Mpho they have learned that when it is your time it is your time and no one will stand in your way. “Also don’t ever in your life doubt yourself and best believe that you deserve every good thing this world has to offer.”