” Trevor Noah must account for all the nonsense he said about Jacob Zuma”, Sotobe told Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah is one of South African born comedian, who’s now based in United States of America. Using his platform on the Daily Show, he made funny of the former president of the Republic of South Africa and African National Congress Jacob Zuma and also advocated for his removal.

Now that many peoples seems to have had enough of the current president, Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa, they are making those who advocated for the removal of the former president of the Republic of South Africa and African National Congress Jacob Zuma to apologize.

Trevor Noah must account for all the nonsense he said about Jacob Zuma or at least explain how did he suddenly run out of jokes on South African Politics right after Ramaphosa took over”, mzanzi reacted and instructed Trevor Noah.

“He’s exactly like that in the US as well. He made jokes about Donald Trump but doesn’t