Trending| Miss South Africa’s Critics Are Not Yet Done With Her

There have been a lot of tribalist and distasteful comments that Miss South Africa is getting over practicing her culture and customs. It was so refreshing that she was speaking her home language and dressing in her traditional attire. Isn’t that representation? Doesn’t that matter anymore?

Trbalism runs deep, almost (if not more) than racism. It is the result of racism and it is sustained by those very systems of racism still. There are two tribes in South Africa that have been receiving the worst of tribalism, that is VhaVenda and Tsonga tribe.

Shudufhadzo Musida has received comments that are laced with subtle tribalism. People are always expecting her to be flawless at all times without even trying to understand why she was dressed that way.

The negative comments on social media are something else. People are mocking her and dragging her down. Some saying she looks like she is on chemotherapy whilst others say that she looks like Miss Nigeria.

The truth remains, she is beautiful and unique. She represents thousands of women who do not wear wigs. Some say she looks old but people tend to forget that looks can be deceiving, well pictures in this case.