Top SA cyclist Nic Dlamini ‘assaulted’ at Table Mountain National Park

Nic Dlamini, a South African cyclist, is receiving medical assessment after being manhandled at the Table Mountain National Park on Friday.A screenshot where Nic Dlamini was allegedly assaulted by rangers at the Table Mountain National Park.

His team, NTT Pro Cycling, said it was aware of a video in which one of its riders, Dlamini, was involved in an incident in Cape Town.

“He’s currently undergoing medical assessment after which we’ll be able to provide a full update on what transpired,” the team said on Twitter.

In the video, shared on social media, a number of rangers are seen attempting to apprehend Dlamini. He is forced into the back of a bakkie.

One of the rangers is seen trying to stop the person taking the video from doing so.

While the extent of any injury is as yet unconfirmed, Club100 Cycling Cape Town said in a statement it “strongly condemns the assault by Sanparks officials on Pro-rider Nic Dlamini. This is no way to treat anybody. We hope that the full might of the law prevails and these individuals who in the process broke his arm are dealt with.”

SANParks in the Western Cape said on Friday afternoon it was gathering information about the incident and would release a statement later.