Eunice just cant learn. She does not realise that the company that she is keeping is just around her only because of her money and nothing else. They are there for the money and only the money. Ash just want to sabotage Eunice. He is going to find a way to blow the credit card totally. He has never cared about Eunice. He is only concerned with Eunice’s money and ways on how to steal it.
He also recruits her of selling drugs. Ash clearly is not good for Eunice and unfortunately she does not seem to see that at the moment. What kind of a friend introduces another into drug dealing and anything that has to do with destruction. Poor Eunice when will she wake up.
For me Eunice deserves everything that is coming her way. She should have bought Lehasa’s restaurant as Fani’s wish but instead she just wasted the money. Her father is so proud of how she spends the money as if he knows where the money is coming.