Tonight On #House Of Zwide: Nkosi Asks His Father A Challenging Question

Tonight Nkosi wants to know where his father was the night of the fire. He wants to know where his father was when his mother died. Funani deserves this question because he is overdoing this Mampho situation. Nkosi is just too suspicious because Funani has been all over him and judging him and not giving him a break. Funani is all over pressuring Nkosi to man up and and be there for his child and all.

Funani is all acting highly and mighty but he failed to be there for his wife the day she died. He was not faithful to his wife as he was cheating with Faith. But yet judging Nkosi as if he was Mr perfect to his wife.



For me when the truth comes out I do not think Nkosi will ever forgive his father. Because if he was there his mother would still be alive. Funani’s actions towards Nkosi is irritating because he was also not a perfect partner to his wife but yet he acts all high and mighty on the throne towards Nkosi which makes me sick. Funani just want to fix his mistakes through Nkosi. He is just being unfair by forcing Nkosi to love Mampho. Nkosi is not running away from his responsibility as Mampho’s baby daddy. He is just not in love with Mampho.