Tonight On #DurbanGen: Mbali Is Surprised By The Call She Receives From Lindelani ” SEE WHY

Tonight Mbali becomes shocked by the call she receives from Lindelani. Lindelani is with Thembi but he is calling Mbali. Mbali is shocked because she thought he was ok with Thembi and had accepted it. Now he wants her back.

It just seems like Lindelani and Mbali’s relationship will not end, not any time soon. They seem to share an unbrokable bond. They really share a special connection. Because they break up and be together again. They cheat on each other and still be together.

For me I feel sorry for Thembi. Because she is just being used by Lindelani. And she is not even noticing anything. She is just a girl in love with the wrong guy. Lindelani is just using her to satisfy his sexual desires only. His heart and mind wants Mbali. Lindelani should just stop beating around the bush and tell Mbali how he feels. It makes no sense to be with a person who does not make you happy. He should just man up swallow his pride and go back to Mbali.