Tonight| Nkosi wants Zanele to confirm Faith’s confession to the police. Zanele refuses

Tonight Nkosi wants Zanele to confirm Faith’s confession to the police. Zanele refuses

The truth has caused so much pain for everyone in the Zwide and Molapo households. What Faith did has really broken two families. Tonight Nkosi wants Zanele to confirm Faith’s confession to the police and Zanele refuses. Zanele is not ready to condemn her own mother.






For me I understand where Zanele is coming from. What Faith did is unforgivable but after all she is still her mother. Everyone is rejecting Faith and Zanele is all she has. As much as I want Faith to go to prison but in this case I am with Zanele. Her loyalty lies with her mother. So she is determined to protect her mother by any means necessary. Zanele can’t turn her back on her mother just like that. It’s not that easy especially because Faith raised her well with love, kindness and has supported her since she was born