Today, My Love, We Celebrate You. A Legend, A Man Who Loved Unconditionally. Connie Ferguson Said.

Connie Ferguson, better known as Karabo Moroka at Generation The Legacy, is Shona Ferguson’s wife and is celebrating his Heavenly Birthday.

Shona Ferguson’s wife, actress Connie Ferguson, and her daughters, as well as close friends and colleagues, found a way to focus on honoring the late producer’s heavenly birthday rather than being consumed by grief over his absence.






Connie opened up about how much she misses Shona and how different life is without him on Instagram.

This life thing isn’t the same without you, my Dude. I’ve given up trying to figure out why or asking why. But it still doesn’t feel real after nine months. My entire existence appears to be a dream. It would be an understatement to say I miss you.

To go from doing absolutely everything with someone to suddenly not having them physically present is, to put it mildly, a debilitating emotion. Even though the days and nights are lengthy, time appears to have stopped. It’s impossible to express how life feels without you here.

Connie claimed she was relearning to be self-sufficient, but confessed it was difficult. She admitted that she relies on God and the Bible to get through most days.

I’m still learning to walk, smile, and laugh again. Even if things are difficult, God is always present in my life. I can still get up and accomplish what needs to be done in the morning. To Him be the praise.






A huge guy with a big heart whose primary aim in life was to make a positive difference in the lives of everyone he came into contact with, whether in person or online. We honor you, man of God. We praise God for the time we spent with you. The impression you created. The lives you have impacted and continue to influence. You were and continue to be one-of-a-kind! Mr Sho, you will never be forgotten.

Connie pulled some of her favorite Shona films from the vault. They refused to be burdened by the absence of their loved one in this situation.