Tito Mboweni Takes us Down a Trip into Memory Lane, by Posting Pictures of When he was Young

The former finanace minister Tito Mboweni has a serious social media presence regardless of his age, and likes to have fun online even though people sometimes make fun of him, especially with regards to his cooking and sence of fashion, especially his choice in shoes, which look very old and beat up as though he doesn’t have money to purchase many more new ones.

He likes to interact with people online and post pictures about a lot of things ad many people do, and he also likes to address some issues currently facing the country at the moment, like the corruption and potholes problem. We as young people, tend to look at old people and forget that they also were young once and probably wild as we are right now. Even though our parents and grand parents grew up in a much different and difficult times them our they also had good moments and fun.

The former finance minister shared his pictures of when he was still young, and probably still studying in school. He is a very smart man and very educated and at some point in his life he became the governor of the South African Reserve Bank, which shows that he had a good education and succeeded against all odds.

The pictures are of him when he was still around his 20s and still in the fight against the struggle, but some people made fun of him claiming that he looked like he was in his 40s rather then being in his 20s or 30s, but some of the pictures you can see that he was in his 40s, and that is when we was the governor of the reserve bank. He also wrote on one of the captions that you best keep memories of when you were young.