Tito Mboweni spends his day at Kingswalden taking pictures and people noticed something

Tito Mboweni was back again as usual, but he was not about to cook a meal. He was wearing the very same shoes that his followers did not approve of him wearing. But in his response, he said that they are very comfortable for him and he will clearly not throw them away because people from Twitter don’t like them. They look old and worn out for someone like him.

He is financially stable and he can get Gucci formal shoes, but he stays true to what he loves. He has been living his lifestyle, not the high-balling lifestyle, even though he is now working at the World Bank. It is not Ike that he does not afford, but he does not have the love for the shoes that society thinks he deserves. He has been in parliament for a long time and nothing has changed.




Someone in the comments section stated that while you may see him wearing those shoes, his bank account is more stable than some people who wear expensive clothes and post pictures on social media. His aim is not for him to look rich in front of everyone, but to actually become rich. It is, without a doubt, his motivation that others should follow suit.

Most rich people don’t look expensiveness when you look at them and even if they are wearing expensive clothes, you won’t see at first sight that they are wearing something expensive. With the meals prepares at home, his lifestyle is simple. Even in his own home, he avoids the expensive furniture that others flaunt on social media.

He is living a nice, low-key lifestyle, and that is beautiful. He is more like MacG from his podcast and Chill, who keeps wearing flops all the time. He would not wear them if it was cold and he could not go without them. He has said it on the podcast and chill, from his viewh he continues to wear themj. They are just living a simple lifestyle, and what is more important to him and Tito is the work that they do.