Tino Chinyani Steps Into A New Career Milestone

Tino Chinyani is a Zimbabwean model and tv presenter satisfactory known for co-hosting the etv breakfast show The Morning Show. He become born in Harare, Zimbabwe on the ninth of September 1994.




Tino Chinyani attended St. John’s preparatory school wherein he then went onto St. John’s college. Whilst there, he was the deputy head boy, basketball captain, represented u19 Zimbabwe rugby & become a member of the interact society. Moving to South Africa to similarly his research. Tino studied Marketing & control at Monash University.

The model says that he’s been writing music throughout the lockdown while in the confines of his home due to the Covid-19 pandemic regulations and has consecutively been recording music for the past two months.

Tino says he does not entirely want to focus on one style of music and release singles until he has a body of work on his birthday next year on December 10 but won’t steer away from his modeling career or life as a TV personality.

“Modelling brought me to a lot of things. You’re going to see my version, you will see me on loads on TV and not simply as a presenter.”

While the mother of his son and ex-associate Simphiwe “Quing Simz” Ngema additionally launched a new single, Tino says she did not inspire his plunge into the music scene, however, has imparted know-how that he’s controlled to use in basically what he does.