Thuli Phongolo Called Out Of her Name

Thuli Phongolo, an actress and a DJ finds herself in yet another crossfire on the streets of twitter. The DJ’s latest tweet was talking about love not being enough, and tweeps did not waste time as they were head-on to a point where they called her out of her name.

It appears that Thuli Phongolo’s twitter followers does not forgive nor forget as this is not the first tweet that rubbed them in a wrong way. The DJ previously implied that she was rich and never check prices when making purchases. In the same breath, she got criticism for canceling her gig to honor the passing of DJ Sumbody who played a huge role in her career.

Sadly Phongolo continues to get into hot water because of that one tweet which opened a hell door for criticism. Despite the fists she be catching when openly sharing her opinions, last night she shared how love alone is always not enough. Which a lot can make up a conclusion that love or relationships involve more than just love itself.