This is basically what was spotted on the site where the young boy had been found by the authorities and unfortunately he died, it is believed that the incident happened two weeks ago where he actually fell into the manhole and search and rescue team was dispatched in order to conduct the necessary investigations in order to close this case.
Upon investigation they discovered that there was no way to find the boy’s body so the divers went into the drain, and started searching pipe to pipe in order to determine exactly where his whereabouts are.
Upon searching for a while now they had discovered that his body has actually moved from where it was, and ended up in a situation where it was it another place that is very far away from where he fell.
That is definitely something that is a bit concerning to the general public because they have been very curious and interested in this case to know how it will be resolved, as long as the boy’s body had been discovered that answers many questions and ensures that the authorities are satisfied with the results.
That is all and the general public is basically happy about it as well because they were definitely starting to lose hope, and were starting to get the impression that the boy might not be found.
But as it turns out the boy was finally found and the family is able to get some closure and to do the necessary ceremonies in order to honour their loved one, and ensure that his spirit is Taken away from that place to the burial site.
This is quite a common thing for the black people to do so it is not very surprising to the general public, Khayalethu Magadla fell in an open manhole more than two weeks ago has been found.