Things are going down for the Kasi Shakespeare and Lindiwe on Scandal tonight

Nhlamulo played by Matthews Rantsoma was introduced in scandal as a forex traider who goes by the nickname Kasi Shakespeare. Nhlamulo appeared as a kind and wealthy young man who made lots of money through trading.

He was intrested in Lindiwe played by Nomvelo Makhanya,and the two ended up being a couple who just couldn’t get enough of each other. Lindiwe was smitten by Nhlamulo who kept showering her with gifts and money and things got even easier when Lindiwe’s mom also approved their relationship.

Things were going well for the couple until Kgosi revealed to Lindiwe that he knew Nhlamulo from prison and he was involved in shady business. Things got rocky between the two but Lindiwe ended up giving their relationship a second chance but with a condition that Nhlamulo leaves crime for good.

Lindiwe ended up getting involved in the shady businesses as Nhlamulo had promised it was the last job. Things got complicated and Nhlamulo ended up staying at the Ngemas back room secretively because he was wanted by the police. Lindiwe’s mother found out, but as always Nhlamulo ended up charming her to allow him to stay for some few days as this was just a minor issue from the past as he had left crime.

Things got rocky when Mlungisi Lindiwe’s father found out that Nhlamulo was staying in the back room. This led to Lindiwe making a decision that her graduation party would be held at Chillax . It seems things are going down at Lindiwe’s graduation party tonight on Scandal.

EtvScandal posted a picture on Facebook earlier today with the caption “Things fall apart at Lindiwe’s graduation celebration ”

The post was filled with so many comments from Scandal fans who seem to be looking forward to tonight’s episode. Some of the comments are:

“After how Lindiwe disrespectfully spoke to her dad these past few days I was waiting for her embarrassment ” said Mma James

“Poor Mamas….we told her it will end in tears ” Oratiloe Ratti Mjay

“Indeed, things have fallen to pieces…even money and love could not hold the graduation celebration together….Lindiwe made her bed and let her gently lay on it…. ” Hary Kaseka Mhango