They say I look like you, lady comment on Ayanda’ s pic see what people had to say

Ayanda Ncwane is a popular South African actress, singer, businesswoman, and philanthropist. She is well known for being her late husband’s manager while he was alive. He was the famous Gospel artist, S’fiso Ncwane. She is also the president of Africa Gospel Awards and CEO of Ncwane Communications. She is the founder of the Ayanda Ncwane Women’s carnival which is held in Ndwedwe.







I guess it’s true when they say we all have that one person we look like, whom we’re not even related to. Though we can’t see ourselves some people do see us. There’s nothing greater and amazing than hearing people say to you, you look like your favorite celebrity that is everyone’s dream.

Ayanda Ncwane is one of the most beautiful women in South Africa, and a lot of people love her. Some of them wish to be like her. Ayanda Ncwane took to social media to share pictures of herself which caused a stir on social media, it even got to the point where a lady commented saying they say I look like you. Below is the picture shared by Ayanda Ncwane with the picture of the lady that says she looks like her.

One thing about people on social media they are not scared to speak their minds, if they agree with something you should know that it is true. Because it’s not every day they get to agree with such comments, but instead they would rather drag the person.

But when it comes to this lady’s comment people agreed with her, they even added saying she is more beautiful than Ayanda, something that doesn’t always happen instead people would drag the person for saying that. She was brave to post that comment this shows she trusts her comments. There are probably a lot of people who said this to her, and yes indeed she is beautiful.