They refused to test me because I didn’t show symptoms’: Sho Madjozi on Covid-19 test

Sho Madjozi was tested for Covid-19 after travelling overseas.Sho Madjozi was tested for Covid-19 after travelling overseas.
Image: Supplied
Musician Sho Madjozi has shared her experience of being tested for Covid-19, telling fans that authorities initially refused to test her because she had no symptoms.

Sho said on Twitter on Monday that it was an uphill battle.


“I tried for three days to get tested after I landed from the UK. They refused to test me everywhere because I showed no symptoms.Finally managed to get a test on Tuesday. My negative result came back five days later.”

Sho said her experience led her to believe that the recent spike in cases in SA was the tip of the iceberg.

“Corona maths is tough. We have no idea how many people have this thing. Yes, we have 402 confirmed cases on 23rd of March. But it takes three days to get results so actually we had 402 cases 3 days ago. Not today.

“They are only testing people who are showing symptoms. Symptoms start showing 2-14 days after a person contracts it. Meaning we had 402 cases over a week ago. We have no idea how many people have the virus at the moment. No idea.”She said the only solution was to “stay at home” and encouraged her fans to follow the government’s instructions to self-isolate.

She applauded the government’s decision institute a national shutdown from midnight on Thursday.