These Pictures Are Proof That Love Is No Age

These Pictures Are Proof That Love Is No Age.

Love has no age,love has no limits.Once you find somebody you truly love,no matter how old they are you begin to experience inner peace and sometimes self love.






This brings me to these pictures of this couple. It looks like they have found true love,even though the man is old enough to be the girl’s grandfather but they look so very much in love be with each other and it also looks like they are enjoying each other’s company.

If the woman was not in love with this man,she wouldn’t dare take pictures with him. Not to mention going out with him,she would be embarrassed to be seen with him in public. Clearly she is in love with this man and they do look happy.

This is the definition of true love,in my own opinion but feel free to disagree or agree on the comments section below.