“There will be consequences” DJ Zinhle tells AKA’s mother after Kairo wrote on her white door.

Children will always be a threat. There’s a part of them that wants to know more, no matter how good they look. It’s funny sometimes and not other times. In general, fathers are the ones who find it funny, while mothers go berserk.



Because of DJ Zinhle and AKA, Kairo is being raised by a very smart person. As long as the Forbes princess is calm and collected, things go well for everyone else. Lynn Forbes and Zama are two people who are helping them, but we know they wouldn’t be able to do it on their own. As if she were a princess, Kairo holds herself like that. It’s the cutest thing ever!

All kids have bad days, but Kairo is different. She shows us when she does something bad. In the past, she took a pen and wrote “don’t come in” on a white door. DJ Zinhle was not happy with Lynn. She told Lynn that there will be consequences for her. Maybe she just wants to be alone in there.