Mamkhize spends her day playing tennis with Somizi

Theo Baloyi takes it to social media to share how he spends today’s day. He shared this day playing tennis with Somizi and Mamkhize. I mean these 3 are one of the top earning celebrities in South Africa.


Theo, Somizi and Mamkhize are all entrepreneurs and they run successful busineses across the country. They are the real inspiration to many upcoming businessman and women. Their businesses worth millions and they are always willing to do anything to stay on top. Theo says it was the first time him playing tennis today.

Theo says that he was invited by Somizi and it looks like he had so much fun. Somizi and Mamkhize are fun people to be around. Theo is very grateful to share this day with them. Somizi and Mamkhize have always been friends and their relationship is just amazing, it is good that they also invited Theo.