Thembi Seete Pens Heartfelt Message On The First Anniversary Of Her Mother’s Passing

Thembi Seete Pens Heartfelt Message On The First Anniversary Of Her Mother’s Passing. It’s been a year since singer and actress Thembi Seete lost her mother. The actress shared a close relationship with her mom and often shared some beautiful family moments on social media and how much she’d spoil her.

Taking to social media on the first anniversary of her mother’s passing, Thembi poured her heart sharing how grateful she is that she spent her last days with her. She shared about their close bond, her teachings and love.





“Today marks exactly a year since my mum‘s passing. Time goes by quickly. It still feels like it happened yesterday. Even though my most profound sadness of losing her, I’m grateful that I got to spend time with my mother. We stayed together from the beginning until the last day. I’m thankful for the prayers, the teachings, and the love. All That I am today, she prayed for me and believed in me, guys. I shared everything with her my most profound thoughts, my fears, my achievements, and my dreams. Here I am crying again and wearing her maroon gown And feeling her warm hug. Mom, I hope you’re okay and getting everything you need. Know that I love you, and We miss you so much. 02-07-54 21-07-21,” Thembi shared.

Sending love and light to the actress and her family.