The young man who received gifts worth more than R3 million for attending to initiation school

Young men and women in the Xhosa and Ndebele communities often attend “starting schools,” or social schools, where they are taught the norms and expectations of their society as well as the challenges and rewards of contributing to it. This takes place during the colder months of the year.

It’s important for the Initiation school association to get gifts from your family when you finally complete the course, as demonstrated by the Twitter user @Savage, who went on the record sharing a fascinating story of an active person who received gifts worth 4 million rands from his father because he went to starting school.




Last weekend, once the active person had finished his duties toward the beginning school, his father surprised him by gifting him a Golf 8, a truck, and a quantum, all of which were seen as unprecedented gestures given the fact that the young man had left home and become independent. He also left him with R1.2 million after they were done.

Wow, his dad must really care about his kid to shower him with all those expensive toys, but seriously, he’s a genius for thinking ahead like this because those aren’t just gifts — they’re investments that will make him rich for life — at least, if he takes care of them.