The world is your oyster: Somizi meets Uncle Waffles, praises DJ Zinhle

South African media character Somizi Mhlongo spouted over DJ Uncle Waffles and DJ Zinhle by means of an Instagram post on Thursday 28 July.





Somizi met DJ Uncle Waffles interestingly recently at Coco Town Meat Lounge in Benoni, Gauteng. He took to Instagram to give the DJ her blossoms. The media character likewise noticed that DJ Zinhle made ready for ladies across the landmass.

“The previous evening was so charming and unique. I at last got to meet the skilled @unclewaffles. We were reserved at a similar gig @coco_town_meat_lounge_ in benoni. What a sweet modest woman… .yet as I was partaking in her set I was unable to quit pondering how @djzinhle has treated the DJ business,” he composed.

.”She’s actually the trailblazer… .for ladies in the landmass. Simply figured I ought to give her the blossoms here. Back to waffles. As a fussbudget and an expert that I am in my work I watched everything from the second you strolled in with your group to when you were in front of an audience and till you left. Your ready young woman, You showed up on time,played on time. Yo group is really engaged. It’s not simply individuals staying nearby. Anything is possible for you nana,” he proceeded.