The Real Housewives of Durban Reunion Detailed Summary with Pictures of Cast

One of the most anticipated things was for Sorisha to being the receipts she said she will be bringing to reunion, Sorisha had said in her diary session of the last episode, she is going to expose Nonku Williams for the fact that she borrows money from people, since Nonku exposed her neighbor and former friend Slindiswa otherwise known on the show as Slee.

The host asked Sorisha for the receits she promised but Sorisha mentioned that she will not be exposing Nonku since Nonku has made peace with Slee. The viewers where not happy with the fact that the host did not press Sorisha enough for those receits.





Episode 12 ended with Slee almost laying her hands on Nonku and everyone was dying to see how the two will interact with each other. They both apologized to each other and are hoping to co-exist and to be cordial.

Jojo Robinson did not apologise for leaving her guests in Drakensberg but she mentioned that she us not happy with how things turned out. She also mentioned that her biggest regret is losing Annie in the season.

Sane apogised to Annied and even dropped what others would say, crocodile tears, however after a few seconds she was attacking Annie again because Annie said her family and husband should be left out or she will pursue the matter legally.