The real goboza has come to an end

The real goboza show has come to an end. The show is known for its latest gossips about the celebrities and what they up to. The real goboza show started coming into the national television in 2007. It is clear that the show has lost many viewers on it’s ratings. I think the reason it is because many people now have social media accounts, they get these fast on their smart phones. The show lost it’s power to trending stories and breaking news about the entertainment industry.




The show has the talented presenters such as Sinazo Yolwa and Mulisa Mudau. The presenters of the show did their very best to save the show but unfortunately it was out of their hands. I believe that the presenters only did their job as presenters. The problem was the management and researchers who couldn’t get the breaking news in the entertainment industry, stories that people will love to hear about the people especially celebrities that they love. These presenters have a beautiful talent, i believe that they will make it out there.

In my opinion i think the show needs a rebrand, and try to look for better ways to attract the viewers to be committed on watching the show. The show needs new and young fresh people to talk about the evey day live problems that young people face. Sinazo Yolwa and Mulisa Mudau are the power house presenters, who needs a little push to make it out there and be recognized by the South African. They are both under rated for their talent, i also think that they need to change the platforms of hosting different show, in that way people will get to know them more.