” The pain is real. I’m thinking about my kids every second. I want to know how they are feeling”

Popular Botswana musician Vee Odirile Sento took to Facebook to cry about his divorce. Vee and Kagiso Sento’s divorce case has been finalised. They have agreed to raise their two children together in a joint custody. Regarding their properties, since they married out of community of property, every individual will keep what is theirs and what they were currently using. They got into a holy matrimony in 2014 after dating for ten years. Odirile allegedly tried to talk to wife against the divorce but she did not want to listen. Kagiso was allegedly on her husband throughout their marriage.





” The pain is real. I’m thinking about my kids every second, I want to know what they are thinking, I want to know how they are feeling about this decision their made. Do they feel it’s a selfish decision? Do they feel it’s good for our happiness?” He cried.