The Lame Reason Thando Missed Her Grandmother’s Funeral

In every episode, we learn a new trait that Thando and her husband, Siyacela, possesses. Some traits are good but most are very bad tendencies.

At first, viewers grew to love Thando. In a lifetime that seems too far away, she was a calm, respectful young woman who’s forces were one to be reckoned with. But of late, she is lazy and feels entitled to everything.

This is a side of her we did not anticipate, and we’ve grown to hate it.

It’s true when they say bad behaviours have a way of rubbing off to another. Siyacela and Thando’s relationship proves this theory to be true because she has become a completely different person from how we first knew her when the show aired.

Siyacela is a disrespectful young man who seem to think that the world bows before him, while his wife supports his every decision and behaviour.

In a recent episode, Thando deliberately missed her grandmother’s funeral. She arrived late and gave a very lame excuse for not making it on time.

According to the couple, they were delayed by long queues at the mall. But, the question is, what were they doing at the mall on the morning of Thando’s grandmother’s funeral? The only place to have been on that morning, was at the funeral. Nowhere else.




But it seems that the fame has them on their toes as the reason for being late was because they didn’t have new clothes to wear. Perhaps they thought they were going to a party of fashion show.

It’s not shocking that the two are casually displaying such behaviours. It actually goes to prove that they rushed to get married as they are both incapable of making wise decisions.

After the funeral, Thando’s paternal family wanted to meet Siyacela. But in a shocking turn of events, he was as cold as ice towards them, not to forget disrespectful.

Because of his vile behaviour, Thando’s family fear that their marriage is in trouble. In fact, viewers will be happier with them apart than together because Siyacela’s disrespect is like a disease that cannot be cured.